Houses for Sale in Paris France
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Below are available and recent Paris houses for sale.  If you don’t see something you like, we specialize in helping you find the right property.  Finding good real estate in Paris can be tough for even the most seasoned Parisian.  Because there is no shared MLS system in France, each agency can only show you their own listings.  As a buyers agent, we can show you the entire market and represent only your interests.  It’s the only way to know that you are seeing the best of what is on the market.

We’re a licensed real estate buyer’s agent, acting on your behalf to access and prescreen all the best properties in the market.  We pride ourselves on our straightforward, no nonsense style; once we’ve found you a great house we take care of everything through closing and beyond so that finding your home is a smooth and stressfree experience.  Contact us to learn more.

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