Expert Insight, Breaking News, and Insider Stories on Real Estate in Paris
As of January 1st, 2016, property purchased in Paris is subject to an increased purchase tax — or transfer tax. This tax has increased by 0.7% for the purchase of housing, office or commercial property. While the vast majority of French departments had already taken this step, Paris is the latest to apply an increased […]
Some decisions on local taxes taken at the municipal level this year in France will affect homeowners in 2015 and 2016. New increases in residential taxes (taxe d’habitation) and property tax (taxe foncière) as well as surtaxes on second homes and building lots are part of the program.
Two expected changes to French tax law mean that some non-residents of France may be able to claim refunds of social charges payments and partial refunds of capital gains tax. But claims for refunds of payments made in 2013 must be filed by December 31st 2014.
The August lull that sends most Parisians running to the beaches for vacation did not slow the French government from passing important “rectifying” changes in the taxation of real estate gains, rental income and net wealth.