This Paris Life

Expert Insight, Breaking News, and Insider Stories on Real Estate in Paris

History may be repeating itself in the Paris real estate market today.  At the peak of the market turmoil in 2008-2009, following the global credit crunch, sellers and buyers took a wait-and-see attitude, hoping that prices would see a marked decline. That didn’t happen,

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Every summer in Paris, as soon as the weather turns nice after a harsh winter, terraces are full of patrons sipping on rosé wine, and parks are full of picnics.  Here’s our round up of the events beyond the cafés that you should be sure not to miss if you’re in the City of Lights […]

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Ernst & Young released a study this month surveying a significant grouping of active French real estate investors.  According to the report, 77% of investors surveyed believe that France will be an attractive investment market in 2012.

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One hot topic following the election of President François Hollande is his plan to impose rent controls on French apartments.  

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The last ten years have seen tremendous market growth in Paris, both in commercial and residential real estate. At the nadir of the market turmoil in 2008-2009, the greatest impact on Paris real estate

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Compare Paris real estate taxes and fees to other markets

Purchase taxes on Paris apartments often give buyers pause; but how does Paris really stack up to other major real estate markets?

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With François Hollande as President, the first Socialist President elected since Mitterand, many are wondering how this will affect property values and taxes, as well as what other changes might be in store.

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Take a look at these interesting numbers that break down from which countries international buyers are coming:

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The eurozone crisis isn’t fazing international property buyers in Paris.  In fact, in the second half of 2011, the Paris real estate market posted the highest sales numbers of all European countries, according to a report by CBRE.

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Wealth Tax Reform Beginning in 2012, if your net wealth in France exceeds €1.3m, the total value is subject to wealth tax.  Previously €800K could be exempted, but not anymore.  If your property is valued at less than €1.3M no wealth tax reporting is required.   The good news is that

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