This Paris Life

Expert Insight, Breaking News, and Insider Stories on Real Estate in Paris

Paris or London - Which has the better real estate value? • PPG

The French and British capitals each have their own charms, but price evolutions in recent years mean that Paris real estate boasts higher investment value than London. Alongside Paris’ enduring and indisputable appeal in the eyes of overseas buyers, the city’s real estate offers advantageous investment opportunities compared to its rival across the Channel, according […]

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A new certificate easily obtainable from a French notaire makes inheriting property in France a far simpler process for non-residents. The European Certificate of Succession allowing heirs to assert their rights in a more streamlined manner is applicable in all EU member states. Until recently, to receive international inheritance, heirs had to go through a […]

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As the International Climate Summit ends in Paris, chair country France’s efforts to green its property sector in order to fight climate change pay off. The country scores highly in a new ranking on real estate sustainability. France recently chaired the latest edition of the United Nations Climate Conference. With sustainability now a main requirement […]

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In recent decades, bricks and mortar have proved the surest bet for a profitable investment over a 10-year period, according to a recent study. Real estate ranked ahead of shares in the CAC 40 (France’s top companies listing), gold and other favorite French investments, such as life insurance and the Livret A savings account.

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The real estate market in Europe is experiencing significant variation by country in 2013. The good news is that, while France as a whole has seen a decline in residential property prices, Paris is attracting interest from non-European investors in particular this year 

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