This Paris Life

Expert Insight, Breaking News, and Insider Stories on Real Estate in Paris

The first time I was invited by a chef-friend to eat at one of Paris’ bouillons I thought we were going to a place that specialized in soup.  But, in fact, the term ‘bouillon’ was the term used at the end of the 19th century for restaurants where one could eat a hot meal for […]

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  Less than 200 days remain until the 2024 Paris Olympics, and the organizing committee is steadfast in its commitment to delivering an unprecedented level of sustainability at the Games, vowing to set new benchmarks in environmental consciousness. Seven years ago, when Paris clinched the bid for the Games, they pledged an ambitious plan to […]

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In 2024, expect a faster drop in real estate prices across France. The average price per square meter has already fallen by 1.8% compared to the previous year. This decline is tied to several significant changes in the housing market.   The number of home sales has taken a sharp downturn, dipping below 900,000 for […]

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Sometimes, little phrases slipped into a conversation for no reason come to make sense months later. This visitor to Emmanuel Macron’s gilded presidential lounge last September is stunned when he recalls the conversation at the time. The scene took place a few days after Gérald Darmanin’s thunderous political comeback in Tourcoing (Nord), where, on the […]

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The affordability pledge for Paris’s upcoming Olympic Games has faced intense scrutiny anew as a consumer advocacy group shed light on staggering hotel prices, averaging around 1,000 euros, near the path of the opening ceremony slated for July. While Olympic organizers have prided themselves on the inclusivity of hosting events along the Seine River, an […]

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In the heart of Paris, where a café has been more than a place for coffee, a slow but evident shift is underway. Over two decades, the city has bid adieu to around 500 of its iconic cafés. The question lingers: why?   For generations, these establishments were more than mere spots to sip espresso; […]

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In the heart of Paris’s 15th arrondissement, Atelier 11 stands as a testament to artistic history, having hosted luminaries such as Gauguin, Soutine, and Modigliani within its storied walls. Yet, time has weathered this venerable studio, leaving its walls cracked and its famed skylights in need of restoration. Anticipation reverberates as plans unfold for an […]

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In a bid to transform the Seine River into a viable venue for Olympic swimming, the city of Paris has set in motion an ambitious project to construct a vast storage basin capable of holding 46,000 cubic meters of wastewater. This move, reported by Reuters, aims to curb pollution levels, offering athletes a chance to […]

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In Europe, the call for high-speed rail travel has reached a crescendo, echoing the desires of travelers seeking rapid, sustainable alternatives to short-haul flights and congested roads. This surge, however, encounters a significant snag: the demand outpaces the available supply. Trains are consistently at capacity, driving ticket prices to soaring heights and prompting many passengers […]

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  A food writer shares what it was like to eat, cook, and shop in Paris as Julia Child knew and loved it. As our boat glided along the Seine, the Eiffel Tower came into view, glittering against a piercing blue September sky. The captain popped a bottle of Champagne and handed me a generous pour. […]

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