Expert Insight, Breaking News, and Insider Stories on Real Estate in Paris

Betsy and Alon Kasha turn their Parisian Pied-à-Terre into a business
Part of the process of buying an apartment in Paris is knowing that once you’ve purchased it, there will most always be some renovating, touching up, and personalizing to do before it really feels like home.
Long time PPG colleagues Alon and Betsy (A+B Kasha) are profiled in the New York Times about their successful apartmentrenovation business in Paris. Once we find your dream apartment they can put the finishing touches on it. The article highlights the couple’s journey from buying and renovating their own Parisian pied-à-terre, to leaving their executive ranks in their respective fields, and creating a renovation company of their own.
Take a look at one of our client’s gorgeous properties renovated at the hands of A+B Kasha.“Almost eight years on, we have realized over 45 properties — with one-third sold to Americans, one-third sold to Europeans and South Americans and one-third to French buyers,” Mr. Kasha said, explaining that surprising last statistic: “One French client told me, ‘We like your American can-do attitude.” -Alon Kasha
Contact Paris Property Group to learn more about buying or selling property in Paris.