This Paris Life

Expert Insight, Breaking News, and Insider Stories on Real Estate in Paris

The rooftops of Paris have often been the inspiration for artists, writers, and film makers. Now, the City of Paris has voted to put forward its roofscape as a candidate for UNESCO World Heritage Site status.

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This sun-filled 1 bedroom apartment with balcony is located off the rue des Martyrs near the charming Place St. Georges in the 9th arrondissement. On a quiet street, it is in close proximity to the many shops and restaurants in this lively neighborhood.

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There comes a time in every love affair when you look beyond the charm and the beautiful face and learn whether the real substance is there.  With Paris there is always more to learn. Paris is a collection of villages, each with it’s own charm, personality and history.  Once you’ve discovered this Paris you’ll never […]

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