Expert Insight, Breaking News, and Insider Stories on Real Estate in Paris
Fees collected by legal professionals in France are set to decrease, including those paid to notaires. However, savings will only be significant on small transactions while most Paris real estate buyers won’t notice much change at all. Starting in May, buyers in France will benefit from ever-so-slightly reduced notaire fees on their purchase. Part of the Macron Law passed last year, a decree published […]
As of January 1st, 2016, property purchased in Paris is subject to an increased purchase tax — or transfer tax. This tax has increased by 0.7% for the purchase of housing, office or commercial property. While the vast majority of French departments had already taken this step, Paris is the latest to apply an increased […]
With the publication last Friday of the Amended Finance Law (Loi de Finance Rectificative 2012), the French government instituted an “extraordinary wealth contribution” retroactively effective as of January 1, 2012.
Purchase taxes on Paris apartments often give buyers pause; but how does Paris really stack up to other major real estate markets?